
About NEON

The National Employment Opportunity Network

The National Employment Opportunity Network (NEON) is a not-for-profit 501C organization founded in 1996, dedicated to supporting cost effective government incentives to encourage employers to hire from groups that for historical and structural reasons have had difficulty finding and retaining jobs. In the long run, the modest cost of such incentives is surpassed by the savings on entitlement programs and the addition of new taxpayers to the tax system.

NEON’s membership is composed of companies that provide services to other companies who want to hire from such groups. We provide help with staffing outreach, and administer government incentives that help to offset the higher costs of training and retaining new hires who do not have sufficient skills, education or experience to succeed on the job.

NEON supports legislation such as the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and related state and local incentives. In addition to supporting existing legislation, enhancements to existing statutes, and new laws, NEON works closely with the U.S. Department of Labor and other agencies at the state and local level to help ensure that the processes and bureaucracy associated with such programs balance the need to sustain the integrity of the programs with the importance of keeping the administration requirements reasonable.​

Mission Statement

The National Employment Opportunity Network (NEON) is the leading national voice on hiring tax incentives. It has played a central role in the development and continuance of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program. NEON has worked closely with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), and the State Employment Security Agency (SESA) to ensure the program and any modifications are administered in an efficient manner. NEON is comprised of Service Bureaus that assist employers to effectively manage the recruitment, and employment of WOTC eligible new hires who are on public assistance programs which include TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families -welfare), SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – food stamps), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Recipients of Vocational Rehabilitation as well as Veterans, Ex-felons, and residents of Empowerment Zones. NEON members work collectively to promote the WOTC program which provides a modest tax incentive to employers for hiring individuals who qualify, but have little, if any, work experience and/or job skills.

NEON members work with employers to inform them of key program performance indicators such as higher retention rates for entry-level workers hired through WOTC and to understand that hiring tax incentive provides an offset to the extra costs to mentor and train eligible new hires to be successfully integrated into an employer’s existing workforce. NEON members help employers to establish internal management practices that ensure compliance and in particular the timeliness requirements with completing IRS’ pre-screening 8850 form as part of their job application process and to timely file the certification request with the State Workforce Agency (SWA).

Board of Directors

Kitty Leggieri - President


Darrell Villaruz - Vice President


Max Shenker - Treasurer

Experian Employer Services

Rebekah Denmark - Secretary


James "Jim" A. Brown


Nancy Kim


Associate Members